Didn't want you to think I haven't done anything these past couple of weeks. It's not much (been busy at work) but here's what I got:

I've put a coat of paint over the clanrat bases, based a couple rat ogres, a packmaster, and the clanrats' movement tray. Next thing to do is start drybrushing the clanrat bases then finally put static grass. Man, I should have been done with them by now! Argh!
Hmm. I didn't think the clanrats were that dark. Could it be from the camera flash? Maybe I have too little light at my work space? In any case, I have to make sure the clanrats have a little more highlight.
I found that painting and basing the clanrats with their shields already glued on to be very, VERY difficult. In hindsight I should have realized that would happen. Oh well, lesson learned. Unfortunately, history will repeat itself. I have another unit of 30 clanrats with shields glued on that were bought secondhand. D'oh! Another lesson learned.