I think a couple more nights and all 3 units will done and ready for basing.
Just started doing the washes on the clanrats armor. They also need a bit of highlighting on their skin. Finishing touches to come soon, I hope.
More finishing touches here.
I should point out that during this time I have been painting only 4 minis in this unit. I had replaced 4 skaven with 3 night goblins (for variety) and 1 proper looking skaven slave.
Wow, you're making progress in leaps and bounds. All three units are really coming together. It'll be great to see what a 2250 army of your would look like now.
Is this 2 slave units, and one clanrat?
The Night Goblins sprinkled in looks great. I still think some models from other races mixed in would be cool. Some humans, an elf, a couple dwarves...
How's that general coming along?
I just started the general last night. I might post something on him later this week.
I like how the slave units are coming along too. The few night goblins are a nice touch of variety. In time I'm sure I'll have some more races sprinkled in. I do have 3 clanrat units at the moment(soon to be 4) and only 2 slave units to accompany them!
Correct, I am currently working on 2 slave and 1 clanrat unit.
This faster pace does have it's pros. I do see, immediately, the progress I make which really helps the motivation. But, because there is a deadline, I'm forced to be on a schedule which kind of affects the quality of the painting... which isn't much to begin with!!!
I admit, I am excited. Once this is over, I'll have to take another army pic to see how much I've painted so far.
Thanks again for the friendly support!
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