
Friday, October 26, 2012

Infinity Update

Now onto a significant Infinity update. Remember this pic from way back in July?  A whole lot of unpainted,unprimed Ariadna minis.  Here's the same group as of now...

Ooh shiny!
Ooh paint!
I've nearly completed Duroc (the giant dog wielding a giant machete) as well as the Loup Garous (the four dudes with blue cloaks and visors in the front center).  I'm about half way done with Margot (the lady in the center front with the red bandana) and need to get her done so my Mirage Team (Duroc and Margot) will be complete!

Aside from this group I finally... finally got around to finishing the Veteran Kazak.  About time, right?  I gotta start finishing my minis...  

Oh one last thing, I just got an email from Warstore that my shipment of the new Infinity Campaign book, Paradiso + the Merovingian Rapid Response Force box set are on the way!  Woohoo!

Let's see what else.  In other news a coworker of mine lent me God of War 3 months ago and recently I've been playing it on the weekends.  Overall I like it very much.  The boss levels are fun and creative and mini puzzles are generally entertaining... minus one guitar hero/music themed puzzle.  Also the violence in the game is a bit over the top.  It's probably my old age talking.  Anyway I hope to maybe get close to finishing it this weekend.

Until next time!

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