Wow, a few things popped up just recently that made me jump up and down like a little kid and sad like a whimpering puppy at the same time.
First, Games Workshop recently announced that they will release Space Hulk, an old board game I remember fondly as a kid. As soon as a I saw the pictures of the gorgeous minis and board tiles I was ready to add it my basket. That quickly came to a halt when I saw the price tag of $99!!! Ouch!
Second came from Sony. Sony is finally releasing a new slim version(smaller, less noise, and less power consumption) of the PS3 with a bigger hard drive(from 80gb to 120gb). They also dropped the price to $299. While that is extremely sexy to me it's still a fairly big chunk of moolah. I would still have to pick up a game and/or a couple Bluerays on top of that.
Finally, Warseer posted new pics of the upcoming new Skaven Clanrat minis slated for later this year and they are awesome unfortunately. I was hoping they wouldn't make any new Clanrats as I already have 3 units of 30 clanrats and another unit of 30 in the works. More new Skaven minis are coming and if they look just as good as the new Clanrats I really don't know what I'm going to do. Hmmm, there is a plasma bank near my work...
As much as I loved Space Hulk back in the day, $100 for a board game is just way too rich for my blood. For me it was the easy yet fun rules that made this game rock. The enriched 40k theme was secondary. I could just very well just pick up an old copy of the game or even make one from scratch from the resources online. Incursion by Grindhouse games has a similar rules to Space Hulk but with a Weird War theme and their stuff- aside from minis- is free. Here's hoping someone I know will pick this one up.
When the first PS3s came out at $399 and $499, I plainly refused to buy one. But, I knew I was going to get the PS3 eventually. Now that they announced the price drop I may be picking one up sooner rather than later.
The new Skaven minis will also probably be a definite buy depending on the sculpts of course. I'm just hoping I won't be buying the entire new line! Curse you GW and your fluffy rats!
Ack, all of this in a span of a week. Shortly after GenCon even. I didn't go to the convention but I sure don't want to see my buddies who went. They'll start talking about more crap that I'd want to pick up. Game overload man! Game overload!
Space Hulk: Awesome! Expensive!! $99 is too rich for my blood too. Maybe Jose will buy it?!?
PS3: Pass!
New Skaven Minis: YES PLEASE!!! They look awesome and I'd pick up the army if you didn't already have it.
Plasma Bank? Hm...
BTW, donating plasma will earn you $35 the first donation, and $45 the second. Not bad.
I am very surprised you are even interested in Skaven. For the longest time you were a pointy eared loyalist.
(Man, first it's advertising you're a 'Firefly' fan to the world and now this. What is up with you? Sounds like the people you're hanging out with is really influencing you.)
I can't believe you'd coax your friend to selling his plasma for some plastic minis. Did I ever tell you that you are an evil SOB?
Yeah, being influenced by the likes of you is a scary thought. I'd better stick with B5 and Elves!
BTW, the plasma plan is not a bad one. If it didn't take 2 hours on the first visit for paperwork, I'd do it!
...but not to buy Skaven.
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