
Friday, November 30, 2007

Crouching Dragon, Paper Giant

So, if you hadn't already guessed, I lost my first battle against the new 7th edition High Elves. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be although there were poor dice rolling on both sides. My friend documented the whole event. Here's the link.

I thought it was a pretty close game until near the end when my Warlock Engineer was overrun by unit of Phoenix Guards. Why O why didn't I move him off the hill? It might not have mattered much but I think I would've at least been able kill off the dragon or the chariot... ok the chariot...maybe. I knew I wasn't going to win, but I knew I could've at least got it to a minor victory or possibly a draw.

My only highlight from the game was when my Warlock Engineer atop a hill popped the dragon mage off of his dragon mount. That felt pretty good. Of course, it was the same Warlock who was run over by the Phoenix Guard.

For next time(oh yes, there better be a next time!) there are a few things I might change. If I choose to replace my giant I may pick up a cannon and a small unit of jezzails. I think I definitely need my plague censors bearers when going up against the HE. The Phoenix Guard made a pretty big impact in the game so they'll be high on my target list.

The new HE is a really tough army especially with a dragon at 1500 points. Hopefully, I can figure out a Skaven list that can hold up... soon!


TrekkerYu said...

I'm game anytime for a rematch. The new HE are nice, but tricky to use and will take some getting used to.

Dwight Sullivan said...

Lets call that battle:
Crouching Dragon
Paper Giant


- Dwight

gmarksthespot said...


TrekkerYu said...

Crouching Dragon
Paper Giant

I like that! Shall we make the next game 2k?

gmarksthespot said...

Yeah I guess 2k is expected(great)... will I be going up against 2 dragons then?

TrekkerYu said...

Maybe someday, but not this time - it will take some time to assemble/paint the second one...