
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Quick Update

Haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd post a preview blurb on what I hope will be future posts :)

A couple weeks ago I got to play against my buddy's High Elf army with the new 7th edition rules in a small 1500point battle. Let's just say the new and improved HE are just that.

This past Thanksgiving break I went to an annual Geek Night where we play board games and video games 'til the wee hours. As usual I had fun and got a chance to play a couple new ones.

Also over the break I actually had time to paint a bit! Can you believe it? It wasn't much but it was something. Pics soon to come.

Now playing: Explosions In The Sky - Welcome, Ghosts
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

TrekkerYu said...

Nice progress. Like the way you've chosen to base...